Saturday, December 08, 2012

Leadership training for Social Changemakers

kanthari International, located in Trivandrum, India, invites social change makers to apply for the 7 month leadership program starting May 2013.

kanthari International is seeking participants who have overcome life challenges, be it disability, poverty, war, discrimination or exploitation and who want to learn the tools with which to make a positive difference locally and globally.

Participants need to speak and write in English, be familiar with computers, be at least 22 years old, be energetic self-starters and have a vision for a project that will effect social change.

Successful applicants will be provided with accommodation and tuition through scholarships from kanthari International donors.
There is a capacity for up to 25 participants and kanthari International is currently selecting applicants through a stringent selection process.
The application deadline is December 15, 2012.

Apply today at
More information at and

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship 2012

7 and 8 December at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad

Without doubt, traditional processes and "business-as-usual" has its limitations in meeting the needs of the BOP and innovation is the key that will drive change in today’s world. And yet, resources are mostly dedicated to research and innovation for causes that have little meaning for those who are economically disadvantaged. With almost one third of the world’s poor living in India, the goal of innovation that aims to serve the economically disadvantaged should be to reduce costs while ensuring products remain of high quality.

Easy to say, but the question remains, how do we achieve high quality at price points affordable to those at the BoP?

How do we re-design and re-engineer products to meet specific needs and wants of the undeserved?

How can these innovations be commercialized, launched and grown into new successful businesses?

The  4th edition of the Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship shines the spotlight on the  pioneers who have taken upon themselves to find the answers to these sticky questions..... Join us as we celebrate the spirit of innovation in business models, processes, products and partnerships.

What does the 'big tent' have in store for you:
  • The team from San Francisco leads us through the fascinating world of ‘human centered design thinking'
  • Factory to Farm – the Acumen Fund team examines how modern agricultural inputs can be accessible at the last mile.
  • The Dasra session 'Crafting a Livelihood'  will bring to the fore innovative models used by artisan communities and networks to reach the markets 
  • Join the team from IKP Centre for Technologies in Public Health (ICTPH) as they analyze the ecosystem for creating sustainable healthcare enterprises in primary care…
  • The  Ashden India Collective looks for the perfect cookstove design  in their session on 'Clean Cooking Energy for All'

Speakers include

Please Click Here to Register for this Event

Details will follow soon.

The Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship 2012  is supported in part by FEM Italia Onlus with the support of Cariplo Foundation and Vismara Foundation

The Despande Fellowship Program - Now Accepting Applications !!!

We are pleased to inform you that the Deshpande Fellowship Program is now receiving applications for tenth batch. Deshpande fellowship program was begun in order to empower a major untapped resource in the development field: hungry young people with plenty of potential to go for in their field who are held back only by their skills and self- confidence. DFP seeks change that and help participate to realize the true potential and ambitions.

This rigorous 7½ month residential leadership development program,Through NGOs visits, village studies, entrepreneurial and Leadership activities and intensive course work, fellows gain skills needed to become true leaders in their chosen field.  
With a concentration on social entrepreneurship and innovation, the DFP has transformed over 200 fellows into entrepreneurial young leaders. Kindly spread the words with your colleagues, friends and who interested to become part of the Fellowship Program.  
Interested one apply directly by using attached application or can be downloaded from online-
For more information you can reach us at or 09740011883 
We look forward to hear from you soon.
Note: Last date for application will be 28.11.2012, Hurry to apply!

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Acumen Fund's Global Fellows Program

The Global Fellows Program is a one-year fellowship program designed to train the next generation of social impact leaders. Fellows undergo two months of leadership training in New York and then spend nine months with one of Acumen Fund’s investee companies in India, Pakistan, East or West Africa providing on the ground management assistance and strategic support to help scale the business.

The Global Fellows Program is distinct from the East Africa and Pakistan Fellows Programs in that the Global Fellows Program is a full-time rather than part-time program, accepts candidates from any country, and does not require Fellows to be driving a social change initiative prior to joining the program.

Competitive applicants for the Global Fellows Program will meet the following criteria:

+  Strong business experience – such as finance, operations, or consulting
+  Demonstrated passion and commitment to creating positive social change
+  Proven track record of leadership and management responsibilities
+  Experience living and working in emerging markets
+  Unrelenting perseverance, moral fiber, and critical thinking skills
+  3-5 years of work experience

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Raise investment for your SE at TiEcon Delhi 2012

Are you an entrepreneur with a for-profit solution for the base of the economic pyramid in India? Are you looking for funding to make a sustainable social impact?

The exclusive Deal Flow Session for Impact focused enterprises at TiEcon Delhi 2012 will provide a one stop platform for high potential entrepreneurs to present their business plans to some of the leading national & International impact investors to meet their funding objectives.

The investors present at this deal flow session are an ideal mix of prominent Angel Investors & leading Impact Venture funds that are keenly looking at investing in high potential scalable social enterprises. Over the years, the deal flow sessions at TiEcon have attracted a host of prominent impact investors comprising impact funds, foundations and impact focused angel investors.

The plans received would then go through a short listing & mentoring process via a screening committee supported by the Ennovent Impact Circle (trusted group of individual & institutional impact investors). Feedback and suggestions given by the screening committee will be shared with the short listed companies.

We extend this opportunity to social enterprises i.e. (for profit entities creating a significant impact at the base of the economic pyramid in India). And who are seeking funding for their early to mid-stage enterprises. 
This unique platform at TiE Delhi’s - NCR annual event will give social enterprises access too:-

• Renowned group of Impact investors representing (Angels, Foundations & Impact Funds)
• Mentoring & Advice from impact investors
Some of the Impact Investors who have participated in the TiE platform before are:-

Aavishkar, Acumen, Omidyar Network, Ennovent Impact Circle, Lok Capital, Unitus Seed Fund, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, Seed Fund, etc. In addition to the above funds and networks, several TiE Delhi Charter members and angel investors who are keenly looking at investing in social enterprises will also be evaluating opportunities.

Companies that would like to present their business plans at the above forum would be required to submit the same by clicking on the link given below.

Companies that would like to present their business plans at the above forum would be required to submit the same by clicking the relevant link given below.

Last Date for Submission -10th September, 2012

To know more about TiE Delhi’s annual flagship event “TiEcon Delhi 2012” and how you can maximize your participation please visit –

For more Details Contact:-
Upasana Sharma -
Mobile- +91-9810078395
TiE Delhi-NCR
Unit No 1102, Tower A, Advant IT Park,
Plot No 7, Sector 142, Expressway, Noida 201-305

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship
           …accelerating the business of social change

7 and 8 December 2012
at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad

We are delighted to invite you to the 4th edition of the Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. Please mark 7th and 8th December on your calendar. We look forward to seeing you in Hyderabad and will be in touch with further details.

About the Forum
The Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship is a hub of India’s most influential social entrepreneurs, thought leaders, philanthropists, investors, academics, government and media representatives who meet under a “big tent” to collectively advance the agenda of social entrepreneurship in the country. The Forum facilitates rich dialogue and experience sharing around solutions for sustainable social impact.

The Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship is supported in part by FEM Italia Onlus with the support of  Cariplo Foundation and Vismara Foundation.