Monday, May 02, 2005

Green revolution to e-revolution - total indepedence

To rise up the value chain in software industry we should not rely on someone else’s software like windows, oracle etc. because this will result in those companies always having the upper hand. The only way out of this trap is open source and hence open source is extremely important component of India’s growth strategy.

With our limited resources in India open source, which is free and easily accessible, Indians and Indian companies can develop software for OS, Database, Office, E-mail, Browser etc. etc. This will be cheap also for the users to buy and we will not be dependent on foreign software saving precious $$$. Also, just as we achieved independence from Britishers and then became self reliant in agriculture produce, its time for us to now become self reliant in day to day use Software products.

This will create millions of job opportunities for Indians inside India leading to eradication of poverty to a large extent.

ChandraPrakash Loonker


ambitious me said...

much better change the topic to Green revolution to e-revolution
total independence.

Develop India said...

Thanks for your suggestion on title. I have changed it.