7 and 8 December at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad
Without doubt, traditional processes and "business-as-usual" has its limitations in meeting the needs of the BOP and innovation is the key that will drive change in today’s world. And yet, resources are mostly dedicated to research and innovation for causes that have little meaning for those who are economically disadvantaged. With almost one third of the world’s poor living in India, the goal of innovation that aims to serve the economically disadvantaged should be to reduce costs while ensuring products remain of high quality.
Easy to say, but the question remains, how do we achieve high quality at price points affordable to those at the BoP?
How do we re-design and re-engineer products to meet specific needs and wants of the undeserved?
How can these innovations be commercialized, launched and grown into new successful businesses?
The 4th edition of the Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship shines the spotlight on the pioneers who have taken upon themselves to find the answers to these sticky questions..... Join us as we celebrate the spirit of innovation in business models, processes, products and partnerships.
What does the 'big tent' have in store for you:
- The
IDEO.org team from San Francisco leads us through the fascinating world of
‘human centered design thinking'
- Factory to
Farm – the Acumen Fund team examines how modern agricultural inputs can be
accessible at the last mile.
- The Dasra
session 'Crafting a Livelihood' will bring to the fore innovative
models used by artisan communities and networks to reach the markets
- Join the
team from IKP Centre for Technologies in Public Health (ICTPH) as they
analyze the ecosystem for creating sustainable healthcare enterprises in
primary care…
- The
Ashden India Collective looks for the perfect cookstove design
in their session on 'Clean Cooking Energy for All'
Speakers include
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Details will follow soon.
The Khemka Forum on Social Entrepreneurship 2012 is supported in part by FEM Italia Onlus with the support of Cariplo Foundation and Vismara Foundation