- iDiya by Indian School of Business (ISB)
- Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC)
- "innovation for india" awards by Marico Foundation & Erehwon Innovation Consulting
- Trident Group's Aavishkaar Awards by Abhishek Industries Limited
- “Khemka Fellow” Awards for Social Entrepreneurs (SE) in co-operation with the Schwab Foundation
If you know of any other Social Entrepreneur award available in India, please list it here.
From among the 21 million Diaspora Indians, we are looking for only 0.6 million Diaspora Indians who would adpot 1 village each from among the 0.6 million villages of India for next 10 years and invest a minimum of USD 25,000 per year for next 15 years in their adopted village. They can invest for building roads, water tanks, schools, hospital, health project, SHG formation, community organisation and development, environment, tree plantation and so on and so forth.